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Volume 53 - 1997



Introduction: "Where" are the Philosophers of Education in 1997? - Susan Laird



The Place of Locating Oneself(Ves)/Myself(Ves) in Doing Philosophy of Education - Dwight Boyd


Response: Know Thyself: A Contemporary Command - Victor L. Worsfold


Response: A Conversation Beyond Argument: On a Bridge Over Troubled Waters - Barbara Houston



Aporia: Webs, Passages, Getting Lost, and Learning to Go On - Nicholas C. Burbules


Response: Aporia and Imagination - Fazal Rizvi


Teaching at the Crossroads of Faith and School: The Teacher as Prophetic Pragmatist - Jeffrey Ayala Milligan


Response: The Crossroads of Poetry and Prophecy - Jim Garrison


Unsettling Identities: Conceptualizing Contingency - Natasha Levinson


Response: Expanding Identities: The Importance of Wow! Experiences - Ann Diller



(An)Other Terrain for Thought: "Good Gossip" - Mary Leach


Response: Where's the Good? - Suzanne Rice


What (Epistemic) Benefit Inclusion? - Kenneth R. Howe


Response: Is Inclusion an Epistemic Virtue? - Harvey Siegel


Reading Asante's Myth of Afrocentricity: An Ideological Critique - James Palermo


Response: Afrocentricity, Politics and the Problem of Identity - Kathy Hytten


Foucauldian Cautions on the Subject and the Educative Implications of Contingent Identity - Cris Mayo


Response: Ob/Scenely Polymorphously Perverse Sex Education - Gloria Filax


Cultural Recognition, Cosmopolitanism and Multicultural Education - Kevin McDonough


Response: Self as Post-Colonial Pastiche: Historical Artifact and Multicultural Ideal - Eduardo Manuel Duarte


Hypertext and Education: (Post?)structural Transformations - Barbara J. Duncan


Response: Banality and Optimism: Webbed Education - Anthony G. Rud, Jr.


"Equivalence" and the Recognition of Prior Learning in Universities - Trevor Davison


Response: Equivalence: Some Moral Perplexities - Maryann Ayim


Dewey and the New "Vocationalism" - James D. Marshall


Response: Engaging Dewey's Vocationalism - Susan Douglas Franzosa


Two Cheers for Parental Empowerment: A Politically Incorrect Analysis - Peter F. Carbone, Jr.


Response: Accentuating the Positive in Critical Thinking - Robert H. Ennis


What to Do While Waiting for the Revolution: Political Pragmatism and Performance Pedagogy - Audrey Thompson


Response: Revolutions That as Yet Have No Model: Performance Pedagogy and its Audience - Gert Biesta


On Spirituality and Teaching - Ignacio L. Gotz


Response: Intelligence and Passion in Teaching: Ignacio Gotz on Spirituality - H.A. Alexander


On Becoming a Teacher: May Sarton's The Small Room - Michael Katz


Response: Good Stories and Moral Understanding - Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon


Kindness as a Teaching Ethic - Steve Broidy


Response: Out of the Kindness of Our Hearts or On the Gendered Hazards of Being Kind - Barbara Applebaum


Ethics and the Critical Theory of Education - Benjamin J. Endres


Response: Ethics and the "Not Entirely" - Jaylynne N. Hutchinson


In Defence of a Dialectical Ethic Beyond Postmodern Morality - Mark Mason


Response: Towards a Dialectical Ethics beyond Objectivism and Relativism - Daniel Vokey


An Ethics of Hesitant Learning: The Caring Justice of Levinas and Derrida - Julian Edgoose


Response: Three Gestures on Otherness: (Re)joining with Edgoose Through Derrida's Khora - Lynda Stone


Art and Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Moral Education - John Rethorst


Response: If Art is Good for the Soul Can Education Do Without Art? - Hilary E. Davis


Interpreting Aristotle's Phantasia and Claiming its Role Within Phronesis - Jana Noel


Response: Aristotle's Phantasia and its Role within Phronesis: A Question - Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon


A Justification for Arts Education: Creating Practical Knowledge - Sheryle Bergmann-Drewe


Response: The Burden of Justification - Charlene Morton


Aesthetic Experience, Hermeneutics, and Curriculum - Donald Blumenfeld-Jones


Response: A Hermeneutical Justification for the Arts: Is the Aesthetic Logically Prior to Art? - Lorraine Kasprisin


Common Schooling in the Politically Liberal Society: Implications for the Development of Citizens - Karen Adams


Response: Communitarianism Liberalism and Common Schools - Rob Reich


Democracy, Plurality, and Education: Deliberative Practices of and for Civic Participation - Stacy Smith


Response: Dis-Embedded Discourse: Challenge for Civic Education - Dilafruz R. Williams


The Metaphor of "Space" in Educational Theory: Henry Giroux Through the Eyes of Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault - Aaron Schutz


Response: The Power of Maps - Shari Popen


Dewey and the Arrogance of Reason - Frank Margonis


Response: Margonis's Challenge - James E. McClellan, Jr.


Education and the Cognitive Revolution: Something to "Think" About - Shelby Sheppard


Response: IP and "Common Sense" Views of the Mind: Can We Communicate with Educational Psychologists? - Robert E. Orton


Richard Rorty on the Power of Philosophical Reflection and the Pragmatist Conception of Critical Thinking: A Redescription - Walter Okshevsky


Response: Rorty, Critical Thought, and Philosophy of Education - Jerrold R. Coombs


Reinstating Emotion in Educational Thinking - Marjorie O'Loughlin


Response: On the Very Idea of "Reinstating Emotion in Educational Thinking" - David Hammond


Taming the Labile Other: Disciplined Emotions in Popular and Academic Discourses - Megan Boler


Response: Affect as Experience: Possibilities for Transformation - Colette Gosselin



Philosophy of Education: Texts and Traditions - Steve Tozer, Kal Alston, James S. Kaminsky


Education and the Longing for Immortality - Rene Vincente Arcilla, Pradeep A. Dhillon, Alven M. Neiman


The Gender Question in Education - Glorianne M. Leck, Allen T. Pearson, Debra Shogan


The New Scholarship on Dewey - James M. Giarelli, Michael Simmons, Edward Sankowski


Rationality Redeemed? - C.J.B. Macmillan, Emily Robertson, Scott H. Bilow

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