Volume 79 Issue 4
Table of Contents
Democratic Education and Crisis - Liz Jackson
Education for Democracy in an Age of Political Polarization - Elizabeth Anderson
Five Questions about Polarization: Response to Anderson - Sigal Ben-Porath
Nostalgia in an Age of Misinformation: Threats and Possibilities for Democratic Education - Brad Rowe and Vik Joshi
Dignity, Respect, and the Personhood of Students: The Educational Importance of Stephen Darwall - Juan Antonio Casas
Paternalism, Respect, and Children’s Dignity - Kevin McDonough
Education for the Twenty-Second Century - Francis Schrag
Rearranging Educational Deck Chairs on the Titanic - Chris Higgins
Functionalism as Reflecting and Knowing: John Dewey’s Epistemology in the Logic - Deron Boyles
Knowing and Reflecting in the Classroom: Prognosis Negative - David I. Waddington