Volume 77, Issue 1
Looking Inward: Justice, Democracy, and Education – Winston Thompson
Response to Nikolaidis
Purism About Educational Justice - Ben Kotzee
Response to Taylor and McDonough
Reconceiving Epistemic Agency for Educational Inclusion - Jaime Ahlberg
Response to Ervin, Beisecker, and Özel
The Relationship of William Torrey Harris and John Dewey - James Scott Johnston
Critical Democratic Discourses, Post-Truth and Philosophy of Education - Mordechai Gordon
Response to Gordon
Epistemic and Political Goals for Education in a Troubled World - Claudia W. Ruitenberg
Response to Hudak
Crisis as Possibility: Two Potential Paths Forward - John Torrey
Response to Yosef-Hassidim
Between Ideology and Ideals: Responding to Pseudo-education - Deborah Kerdeman
Making Sense of Pluralism: A Neo-Calvinist Approach - Emily G. Wenneborg
Response to Wenneborg
Pluralism’s Surprises: Limits and Possibilities of Neo-Calvinism in Education - David J. Blacker
Reimagining “Learning for Its Own Sake” in Liberal Education - Caitlin Brust
Response to Brust
Liberal Education and the Learner’s Benefit - Christopher Martin
Response to Alston
A Womanist Measure for the Measurer: Philosophy Embodied in Black and Woman - Sheron Fraser-Burgess