Volume 49 - 1993
Presidential Address
Postmodernism, Pedagogy, and Philosophy of Education - Clive Beck
Interpretation and the Postmodern Condition - Walter Feinberg
The Plays and Ploys of Postmodernism - Maxine Greene
General Sessions
Rationalist Hopes and Utopian Visions - Mark Weinstein
Gimme that Old-Time Enlightenment Meta-Narrative - Harvey Siegel
The Priority of the Particular in Practical Rationality - Karl Hostetler
On "The Priority of the Particular in Practical Rationality" - Suzanne de Castell
Philosophy, Hermeneutics, Multiculturalism - Luise Prior McCarty
The Boundaries of Multicultural Education - Deborah Kerdeman
Concurrent Sessions
First Concurrent Session
Values: Linguistic Conjecture, Constructive Venture - Thomas F. Green
Green's Objectivity: A Stance for Today? - Victor Worsfold
Power Goes to School: Teachers, Students, and Discipline - John Covaleskie
Overcoming Ambivalence About Foucault's Relevance for Education - Kevin McDonough
Re-Embedding Community - Dilafruz R. Williams
The One and the Many in Politics and Education - Alven Neiman
Second Concurrent Session
To Be Totally Frank ... Teaching the Complex Virtue of Honesty - Patricia White
Speaking Candidly - Barbara Houston
Encompassing Power - Joyce E. Bellous
The Locus of Attention in Looking for Power - Paul Farber
Salvaging Moral Progress - Lance Ternasky
Scientific Progress and Moral Progress - Allen Pearson
Third Concurrent Session
Some Radical Consequences for Educational Research from a Wittgensteinian Point of View or Does Almost Anything Go? - Paul Smeyers
Wittgenstein, Smeyers, and Educational Research - Michael S. Katz
Truth as a Communicative Virtue in a Postmodern Age: From Dewey to Rorty - Clinton Collins
Snow is White If and Only If Snow is White - Paul Wagner
Teaching in a Different Sense: Alcott's Marmee - Susan Laird
Enriching Our Conception of Teaching - Stephen Preskill
Fourth Concurrent Session
Dialoguing Across Difference: Three Hidden Barriers - James V. Garrison and Stephanie L. Kimball
The Conversation Continues - Suzanne Rice
If Vocational Education Became Critical Work Education - Richard D. Lakes
Critical Work Education and Democracy - Ronald Glass
The Chronometry of Thought: Wittgenstein and Critical Thinking - David Charles McCarty
Thinking Critically Without Thinking - John McPeck
Fifth Concurrent Session
Education as the Normative Dimension of Philosophical Hermeneutics - David Blacker
Education and Philosophical Hermeneutics - James Giarelli
Probabilistic Reasoning and Teaching for Critical Thinking - Christine McCarthy
Teaching Probabilistic Reasoning - John Schmitz
Can We Reach a Rapprochement Between Educational Criticism and Nurturance? - Ann Diller
Criticizing with Care - Dwight Boyd
Sixth Concurrent Session
Leftist Pedagogy and Enlightenment Faith - Frank Margonis
Decolonizing Pedagogical Practice - Mary S. Leach
Is Moral Leadership Possible? - Edward G. Rozycki
Moral Leadership: Too Much of a Good Thing? - Bruce Suttle
Conversation in Educational Practice and Research: Empirical Corrective or Narcissistic Pap? - Lynda Stone
Conversation and the "Stoning" of Romanticism - Joe L. Green
Seventh Concurrent Session
A Criterion for the Imposition of Help: A Definition and Justification - Doret de Ruyter and Ben Spiecker
Justifying Moral Justifications: Who Should Be the Judge? - Daniel Vokey
Meaning-Construction and Habitus - John Scahill
Habitus and Misrecognition - James Cunningham
At What Price Individualism? The Education of Isabel Archer - Patricia Rohrer
Who is Isabel Archer? - Betty Sichel
Eighth Concurrent Session
When is a Singing School (Not) a Chorus? The Emancipatory Agenda in Feminist Pedagogy and Education - Deanne Bogdan
One Sings, the Other Doesn't? - Georgia Johnson
Rethinking Rationality: On Learning to Be Reasonable - Nicholas C. Burbules
A Feminist Rethinking of Reasonableness: An Experiment in Translation - Wendy Kohli
Conceptions of Competence - Paul Hager
Ninth Concurrent Session
Two Problems with Teacher Knowledge - Robert E. Orton
Is There a "Knowledge Base for Teaching?" - Robert Ennis
Dangers, Possibilities: Ethico-Political Choices in the Work of Michel Foucault - Frank Pignatelli
Dangerous Possibilities for Differently-Situated People in Foucault's Ethics - Maureen Ford
The End of Justice: Global Justice and the Implications of Scarcity - Steven Mather
The Beginning of Justice: Ending Global Education and the Assumption of Scarcity - Madhu Suri Prakash