Volume 50 - 1994
Presidential Address
Discourse Ethics and Restructuring - Kenneth A. Strike
Constituting the Commons - Mary Anne Raywid
Keynote Address
From Identity Politics to Social Feminism: A Plea for the Nineties - Seyla Benhabib
Education, Discourse, and the Construction of Identity - Nicholas C. Burbules
In Defense of a Politics of Identity - Barbara Houston
General Sessions
Cognitivism, Situated Cognition, and Deweyian Pragmatism - Eric Bredo
Bredo, Dewey, and the Pessimistic Method: A Response - D.C. Phillips
Choosing to Believe in Modern Schools - C.J.B. Macmillan
On the Illusion That We Can Choose to Believe - Thomas F. Green
We Don't Have a Theory of Rationality, and We Never Will -- A Philosophically Pragmatic View - Christine McCarthy
What Pragmatism Demands: A Response to McCarthy - Mark Weinstein
"Hate Speech" and the Need for Moral Standards in Communicative Interaction - Suzanne Rice
Communicative Ethics and More - Ann Diller
Concurrent Sessions
First Concurrent Session
Discourses of In-Difference: A Case Study of Representations of Civic Membership - Claudia Weisburd
The Pluralistic Rhetoric of a Platonic Democracy - Edward G. Rozycki
Truth, Beauty/Utility, and the Validity of Explicit Attempts to Link Theory and Practice in Education (Or, Is There Anything Good About Educational Research) - Robert E. Orton
Don't Messick Around With Test Validity Until You Know What You're Doing - Paul A. Wagner
Thinking: Philosophical Roots of an Alternative Vision - Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon
Traditions of "Thinking" - Luise Prior McCarty
Second Concurrent Session
Pleasure, Pain, and Ethical Responsibility: A Felt-Situated Reading of Menace II Society - Hilary E. Davis
White Girlz N the Hood - Audrey Thompson
The Practice of Toleration and Education - Richard Pratte
Toleration and Morality: A Reply to Pratte
Non-Government Schools: Education for Democratic Citizenship - Joel Wysong
Education for Liberal Democracy Through Thick and Thin: Response to Wysong - Clinton Collins
Third Concurrent Session
Dewey, Discipline, and Democracy - John F. Covaleskie
Revisiting Dewey's Concept of Discipline - Jeanne M. Connell
"I'm Not Lying, This is Not a Pipe": Foucault and Magritte on the Art of Critical Pedagogy - James Palermo
It Certainly Looks Like a Pipe: Foucault and the California Achievement Test - Murray Ross
The Risks of Empathy: Interrogating Multiculturalism's Gaze - Megan Boler
The Gaze of Multiculturalism - William L. Blizek
Fourth Concurrent Session
The Identity of the Body - Gert Biesta
Philosophers with Microscopes, Children with Kaleidoscopes, and the Nostalgia for the Fleshy Paraphram - Zelia Gregoriou
Justice and the Threshold of Educational Equality - Randall R. Curren
Non-Exclusion is not the Same as Inclusion: A Response to Curren - Kenneth R. Howe
Difference, Authority, and the Teacher-Student Relationship - Clive Beck
Teacher Authority and Teaching for Liberation - Emily Robertson
Fifth Concurrent Session
The Moral Task of Recognition: Finding the Self in a Modern World - Jaylynne N. Hutchinson
Authentic Selves and Education - Paul Smeyers
Sex, Sex Education, and the Paradoxes of Liberalism - Kathryn Pauly Morgan
Normalization and Sex Texts for Children - Kal Alston
Dewey as the Schoolmaster for Marx's Radical Democracy - Richard Brosio
John Dewey: Organic intellectual of the Middle Class? - Frank Margonis
Sixth Concurrent Session
Socrates' Effect/Meno's Affect: Socratic Elenchus as Kathartic Therapy - Christoper R. Higgins
Platonic Dialogue and the Communicative Virtues: A Reconsideration - Deborah Kerdeman
Philosophy of Technology and Education: An Invitation to Inquiry - David Blacker
Exploring the Middle Ground: A Reply to Blacker - Mark Selman
The Struggle for Freedom in the Education of Free Persons - Frederick Marshall Schultz
Three Questions of Freedom - James Garrison
Seventh Concurrent Session
How can the Misanthrope Learn? Philosophy for Education - René Arcilla
Philosophy, System, Wonder: A Response to René Arcilla - Alven Neiman
On the Dissonance Between Liberalism and Tolerance - P. Lance Ternasky
Liberalism and the Moral Life of Traditions: Death or Resurrection? - Mauren Stout
Spiritual Education: A Public School Dialogue with Religious Interpretations - Iris Yob
Religious Freedom for School Children? - Susan Laird
Eighth Concurrent Session
Environmental Education: Rethinking Intergenerational Relationship - Huey-li Li
Education for Intergenerational Justice: Why Should We Care? - Daniel Vokey
Democracy and Bilingual Education - Gipsi L. Sera
What are Democratic Principles For? Paul Farber
Revitalizing the Idea of Vocation in Teaching - David T. Hansen
"What's in a Name?": Response to "Revitalizing the Idea of Vocation in Teaching" - Arthur Brown